Абхазия Сухум Новый Афон Пицунда Гагры прогулки по чёрному морю.
Среди пользователей сайта популярна тема про “Гагры” – мы выложили новый ролик он-лайн “АБХАЗИЯ часть 14 прогулки по старой Гагре.wmv”.В видео онлайн с рейтингом более чем три звезды вы поймете Гагры.
Гагре лучший воздух и эпидемии!
там очень хороший климат
I think its much safer to go to the hottest war-zone in Iraq rather then there, if you do however make sure to take some pictures and videos…. oh wait you won’t be able to because no-one will let you. The place is beautiful though.
Alright man maybe you’re right but all I’m saying is that this beautiful place deserves to be treated much better than this.
в груззззи всегдо хороший климат!
гагра это не грузия
Very nice video and really interesting. The scenery, vegetation and architecture of this area are absolutely beautiful. I particularly like the Arabian style architecture of the building at 2:пятьдесят. It would be great to see the buildings restored to their former glory. I would absolutely love to visit here.
Lots of tourists have been to it in recent years, mainly Russian but also many “westerners”. From every account I’ve read, it’s no more dangerous than anywhere else.
Это не тот поселение, что известен каждому по рассказу Редьярда Киплинга?
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